Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Best Ways to Soothe Hot Pepper Burning

Hot peppers can add a kick to spicy foods, but if you get it on your hands or in your eyes or eat one thats just too hot, you should know how to take away the burn. Why Hot Peppers Burn In order to soothe the burn of a hot pepper, it helps to understand why it feels hot. The sensation of heat comes from capsaicin, the active compound in hot peppers, binding to the sensory receptors in your mouth or skin that detect heat. These neurons fire off a painful warning when they detect a temperature hot enough to harm tissue. Your body reacts to capsaicin the same as it would to a high temperature, even though no actual heat is present. To stop the burn, you have to remove the capsaicin from the binding site or dilute it so the sensation isnt as intense. How to Make Hot Peppers Stop Burning The key is to either absorb the capsaicin or dissolve it. If you have hot peppers on your hands, youll just spread it around if you try to rinse it with water. You can remove capsaicin by wiping it away using vegetable oil or butter or you can use dishwashing soap to lift it off the skin. Rinsing your hands in dilute bleach solution also helps. Any food that acts like a sponge due to sheer bulk will help absorb the heat and mellow it. You can dissolve capsaicin in alcohol, but it cant be too diluted. A shot of tequila might help, while a sip from a margarita would be pointless. Food thats high in oil or fat dissolves the capsaicin, so it cant continue to bind heat receptors. Your best bet? Full fat sour cream or ice cream. Dairy (sour cream, milk, cheese, ice cream): The fat helps dissolve the capsaicin.Oil or oily foods: If you can stand it, swish oil around in your mouth and spit it out to clear the burn. For a tastier option eat a spoonful of peanut butter or honey.Acidic food: Acidic foods, like lemons, limes, and tomatoes, help to neutralize some of the activity of alkaline capsaicinoids.Bulky food, like chips, rice or bread: Starchy foods act like sponges, soaking up excess capsaicin. These foods wont cool the burn, but theyll keep it from getting worse over time.Sugar: The Scoville scale, used to measure the heat of a pepper, was based on how much sugar water it takes to dilute a pepper to where it doesnt burn. How to Make It Even Worse If youve eaten a spicy pepper and you think the heat is unbearable, depending on what you eat or drink to soothe the burn you can make it a lot worse! Foods that are mostly water just spread the capsaicin around, sort of like an oil spill on water. Even if your food or drink is icy cold, it wont help the problem. Liquids that will only make the burn worse include water, beer, coffee, and soda. The alcohol in beer or wine wont dissolve the capsaicin, but if you ingest enough alcohol, the burn from hot peppers wont be as uncomfortable. Thats simply intoxication dulling your senses and not any reaction with the hot pepper.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die - 2282 Words

Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die The basic dilemma surrounding the subject of assisted suicide is who has the right to choose when someone dies? There are many layers of questions and varying opinions surrounding this right. How can our own self-determination be considered morally wrong when taken in the context of the opinion of others? In a society that stresses individual freedoms why is it that Congress continues to hinder doctor-assisted suicide (Keminer, 2000, p. 8)? First some terms require clarification. Suicide is considered the intentional killing of ones self. Homicide is determined to be the intentional killing of one person by another (Savulescu, 1978, p. 31). Euthanasia (Greek: good death) is the†¦show more content†¦The question then becomes, how far do individual rights go in view of society as a whole? One of the primary arguments in opposition to legalizing physician-assisted suicide is that there is no effective way of constraining the practice so as to provide adequate protections for the poor and the weak. There have been no hard facts to support whether this problem exists or persists. Until more data is accumulated this argument is moot. The practice of physician assisted suicide is not really suicide at all. There seems to be four distinct types of cases that deal with doctor-assisted suicide. The first is when life-saving treatment is discontinued. This includes shutting off or removing a patient from equipment used in keeping the individual alive-including both feeding and other equipment to prolong an individuals life. The second case involves not being placed on life saving equipment initially. The third type is that the patient requests a lethal drug or drug dosage, which he can take at a time of his choosing. The fourth case type is when a patient is incapable of taking the drug himself and asks the physician to administer it. The first two cases are legally permitted in the United States. They are also, by societal consensus, considered morally acceptable. The doctor must ensure the lucid mental state of the patient and thatShow MoreRelatedThe Right to Die in Assisted Suicide2517 Words   |  11 PagesInitial Thoughts on Physician Assisted Suicide (February 28th, 2013) The promotion of physician assisted suicide has sparked a debate throughout the world. From my point of view, assisted suicide is doctors assist patients who could not endure the pain of diseases and are voluntarily given lethal amount of substances resulting in death. However, physician assisted suicide might be considered to be deviant in many countries currently due to the religions, laws and the negative image. 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Allowing a patient to have this freedom could, for one, bypass tremendous pain and suffering.Read MoreThe Euthanasia Is The Act Of Ending One s Own Life1530 Words   |  7 Pagessuffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition. Euthanasia is different from physician assisted suicide in that with euthanasia, the doctor is the one who provides and administers the life ending drugs, and in physician assisted suicide, the doctor can only provide the drugs. A big difference between the two is that euthanasia is illegal in all states; while, physician assisted suicide is legal in only five states in America. Having the option to end one’s own life when the pain and sufferingRead MoreShould Physician Assisted Suicide Be Allowed?895 Words   |  4 Pages The â€Å"right to die† debate is a very sensitive and complex issue in modern culture. While suicide is a legal act in the United States, assisted suicide is not. 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Social Ethics free essay sample

Essay Questions Answer the following four essay questions. 1. Analyze the concept of corporate citizenship and show the distinction between the concepts of corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsiveness and corporate social performance. How are these ideas different from each other? How are they similar? Your response should include an analysis of the CSR pyramid and the duties and obligations at each level. You should also address the issue of Triple Bottom Lines and how that affects the contemporary CSR model. Provide an example of a company you believe exhibits the principles associated with corporate citizenship, corporate social responsibility and the triple bottom line. Justify your selection of that company. 2. Provide an example of a major corporation or business that shows how that entity has adopted a moral management model. Within your analysis you should also show how the company has utilized the four key strategy levels in strategic management (Enterprise, Corporate, Business level and Functional) to have a successful yet ethical company. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Ethics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Show also how that business has identified various stakeholders; answered the key questions in stakeholder management (Who stakeholders are; What stakes; what opportunities and challenges do present; what responsibilities does firm have to stakeholders; and what strategies or actions should take to address challenges and opportunities); and how the business has implemented strategies to manage its stakeholders. 3. Discuss the fundamental difference between issue management and crisis management. Provide an example a company operating in Cayman that has managed issues to prevent them from moving to crisis using the issue management process in figure 6-3 on page 154. Then provide an example of a company that successfully managed a crisis using the Business Week model of crisis management (5 steps on page 167). Why was the company able to successfully manage the crisis and what lessons can be learned from the example you use for future crisis management strategies?